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Four Reasons to Visit a Chiropractor Before Spring

Posted by Dr. Serge Lanoue on 10 February 2023
Four Reasons to Visit a Chiropractor Before Spring

Spring is here! Well, it will be here in just over a month, but we’re as excited as ever! This winter has felt long, and as much as we love the holiday festivities, the winter sports, and the postcard worthy, snowy landscapes, we can’t wait to get back to enjoying the great outdoors without layers of clothing for warmth. Raise your hand if you feel the same way!

But not so fast. Before rushing out to enjoy the warm weather and everything else spring is waiting to give to us next month, you may want to consider a visit with our chiropractic team first. Here are four reasons you should visit a chiropractor before spring.

Recovering From a Winter Injury

Over the past few months we have shared a lot of information with you about winter injuries and prevention. Some of the most common causes of injury during the winter months include playing winter sports, slips, falls, and other icy accidents, or just sitting for long periods in front of a screen.

If you are still experiencing pain as a result of any of these conditions, we may be able to help. Our chiropractic team may be able to aid you in recovering from chronic pains, as well as more recent injuries that may have come up over the past few months. That way, you can enjoy your spring with a little more comfort.

Warding Off Seasonal Affective Disorder

Many of us have felt the effects of Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD, but may not have heard the term. SAD is brought on by a lack of sunlight and physical activity, most common in the winter months. While we can’t control the weather at this time of year, we can control our level of movement!

Did you know that upper cervical misalignment has been linked to depression? Well, a visit to our office may be able to help with correcting those misalignments, which may also help to improve your immune system, as spinal adjustments help to improve interbody communication and immune function. What better time to ensure your full internal system is running smoothly than before spring?

Preparing for Upcoming Outdoor Sports

Our chiropractic team doesn’t only help to relieve pain from existing injury, however. Regular visits with us could prevent future injuries and even improve your athletic performance as well.

Spring is the time of year where most outdoor sports begin, so if you’re a baseball, soccer, or tennis player, a jogger, or other type of athlete, we may be able to help prepare you and your body for all of those movements you may not have been practicing over the winter season.

Getting Ready to Travel

One of the best parts of spring is March Break! Many of us get the chance to enjoy time away with family, and this often includes a vacation, and lots of relaxation time. However, if you’re experiencing any pain now, that may be compounded during a trip.

Sitting in a car or a plane, or other small spaces, for long periods of time, carrying luggage up and down stairs toward hotel rooms, or being more physically active can cause injury relapse if not taken care of beforehand. We may be able to help ensure your body is in good, functioning order before your trip!


Do you have any plans to get more active this spring? Or maybe you’re already looking forward to your March Break vacation? Give us a call and schedule an appointment with us today so we can optimize your health before then!


Contact Dr. Lanoue


Dr. Serge LanoueAuthor:Dr. Serge Lanoue
About: Since 1990, Mississauga chiropractor Dr. Serge Lanoue has been helping patients feel better through time-tested chiropractic techniques. Dr. Lanoue and his team have worked with patients on a number of physical issues from back pain to rheumatoid arthritis to tennis elbow to migraines. Our patients are looking to live healthier lifestyles without relying so much on prescriptions or surgeries to heal injuries. Chiropractic therapy is a more natural treatment option.
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Tags:sports chiropracticchiropractic treatmentsports chiropractorsports injurieschiropractic adjustmentcommon sports injuriesdepressiontravel

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