Dr. Lanoue’s Chiropractic Treatment Blog

Dr. Lanoue's chiropractic treatment blog offers insight into chiropractic care alongside tips on maintaining overall physical health.

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The Hidden Injuries of Car Accidents: Chiropractic Solutions

Posted by Dr. Serge Lanoue on 12 September 2023
The Hidden Injuries of Car Accidents: Chiropractic Solutions
Car accidents are scary and often traumatic events, leaving victims physically and emotionally shaken. While some injuries are immediately apparent, there are often hidden injuries that may not appear until days or even weeks after an accident. Th...
Posted in:Headacheschiropractic treatmentchiropractic adjustmentlow back painWrist Pain and Strainschronic painBack PainLeg PainmigraineJoint PainKnee PainShoulder PainNeck painaccidentcar accident   0 Comments

Runner’s Knee: Finding Relief on the Run with Chiropractic Care

Posted by Dr. Serge Lanoue on 15 August 2023
Runner’s Knee: Finding Relief on the Run with Chiropractic Care
Dedicated runners know there’s nothing quite like the feeling of propelling yourself forward on the pavement, conquering kilometre after kilometre, trying to beat your best time. A few runners even experience runner’s high, a sensation...
Posted in:sports chiropracticsports chiropractorchiropractic treatmentsports injurieschiropractic adjustmentcommon sports injuriesrunners kneeKnee Pain   0 Comments

My Lower Back Hurts: How do I Know if I have a Herniated Disc?

Posted by Dr. Serge Lanoue on 11 July 2023
My Lower Back Hurts: How do I Know if I have a Herniated Disc?
Having lower back pain is definitely not pleasant, and it can show itself in different ways at different times of the day:Maybe you wake up with a sore back after a poor night’s sleepMaybe you have pain only on one side of your body, but not on ...
Posted in:chiropractic treatmentsports injurieschiropractic adjustmentBack PainDisc Herniation   0 Comments

Sinus Headaches and Chiropractic Care: Finding Natural Relief

Posted by Dr. Serge Lanoue on 7 June 2023
Sinus Headaches and Chiropractic Care: Finding Natural Relief
If you’re feeling an intense headache pain in your face – notably around the nasal bridge, the cheekbones or the forehead – you may be suffering from a sinus headache. While oftentimes what we may be experiencing is a migraine, a...
Posted in:Headacheschiropractic treatmentchiropractic adjustmentchiropractic careSinus   0 Comments

Tennis Elbow and Golfer's Elbow: How Chiropractic Care May Help With the Pain

Posted by Dr. Serge Lanoue on 9 May 2023
Tennis Elbow and Golfer's Elbow: How Chiropractic Care May Help With the Pain
Ah! Summer’s almost here, and many of us have already been active with our favourite outdoor sport, like golf or tennis. There’s nothing quite relaxing and peaceful as an early weekend tee-off, or quite as energizing as playing a tenni...
Posted in:sports chiropracticsports chiropractorchiropractic treatmentsports injuriescommon sports injurieschiropractic care   0 Comments